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GolliatTaillog's avatar
I'm gonna go with "insults" here as the equivalente of "swear words/phrases" or "curses".
When I say "insult" I don't mean "idiot" or "jerk". I mean "you piece of shit", "/fucking/ idiot", etc. Not soft insulting.
With that clarified I shall move on. So...

I found myself thinking about how weird do insults sound in other languages (with a literal translation).
Particularly in Argentina we pride ourselves in our wide range of standard insults.
To name a few:
"La puta madre" which literally means "The bitch mother" or "The mother bitch"
"Carajo" which literally means "The structure in the upper part of the mast (also known as the crow's nest)"
"Conchudo" which literally means "pussy - y".
"Forro" which literally means "condom", as in "your birth was an error".
"Boludo" and "Pelotudo" which literally means "ball - y".
"La concha del mono" which literally means "the monkey's pussy".

Then we got some which both usaians and argentines use.
"Mierda" which literally means "shit".
"Hijo de puta" which literally means "son of a bitch".

Then there is the usaian "fuck".
This fucking chair.
This fucking headache.
This fucking life.
What the fuck.

We don't have that.
We use "puta" or "puto".
Basically replace "fucking" with "puta/o" (which literally means "bitch" in the case of "puta" and "faggot" in the case of "puto") and that's it.

Esta puta silla. - "This bitch chair"
Este puto dolor de cabeza.
Esta puta vida.

And instead of "what the fuck" we use "qué carajo" (what the crow's nest).

Then we have the english language most common insult.
Namely, "fuck".
In argentina it translates into "coger". Or simply "tener sexo". O "hacer el amor".
It can't work in Argentina.
It just can't.
How am I supposed to insult someone by saying "You fucking idiot!"?
In spanish (Argentina's spanish at least) it'd be "¡Vos cogedor idiota!" which directly translates into "You who-has-sex idiot!"
It sounds so freaking weird.

Finally, my favourite thing about insulting in Argentina is that you can add an indetermined number of prefixes and suffixes to every single insult.
For example, it's fairly usual to say:
"Andate a la re-putísima madre que te re-parió" (Those "re" mean the same as the "re" from "repeat", "review", "redo", etc.)
Which literally means "Go away to the re-really bitchy mother that re-gave birth to you".

And that's only one of the infinite combinations one could use without people thinking your insult was weird or unheard of.

"¡Hijo de re-mil putas!" literally means "Son of a re-thousand bitches!"

"La re-conchudísima madre que lo re-mil parió." which literally means "The re-really pussy-y mother that re-gave birth to him".

And many more.

That's all.
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Dedalo-el-Hispano's avatar
Ahhh... el arte del insulto.

En castellano, normalmente tenemos menos palabras pero éstas las usamos para una amplia variedad de situaciones.
Por ejemplo: cojones/huevos.

Qué huevos tienes: Es algo así como: vaya jeta que tienes.
Tienes los huevos cuadrados: Es que eres tremendamente valiente.
No me toques los huevos: no me molestes.
Esto me está costando mil pares de cojones: esto me está costando mucho.

Vosotros teneis esta palabra?